Someone once asked me “How do you depict something excruciating that you go numb and cannot speak. You don’t know what hit or when? It’s hard to explain! Because something just dies in you and every moment you feel that!”
It’s difficult to draw a person with such sorrow. The only thing I could think of was how if something hit a glass?
White compressed charcoal on black paper(30x30)
#charcoalpainting #alwaysanartist#deathandsorrow #blackandwhite
It’s difficult to draw a person with such sorrow. The only thing I could think of was how if something hit a glass?
White compressed charcoal on black paper(30x30)
#charcoalpainting #alwaysanartist#deathandsorrow #blackandwhite
"Whiff of Life"
Combined painting and it's version as a banner.
#painting #verses #whiffoflife #memories #thewanderingsoul @dotsandhues @dottedmoments

Photograph was taken for one of the road trips
Quote: "My thorns may hurt you, but you must know they protect me from getting hurt by you. I am just a flower, not to be crushed by your whims and fancies. Nurture me, I bring beauty to your garden, a symbol of love and life." - Quotes on Life, Ayanah