This man, I love the most,
Yet that word I can never say.
Bound by circumstance and relation,
Even though true, this love still is forbidden.
I don’t know when or how, the time or day,
Your existence in my life, it so happened this way…
Happiness I find in loving you,
How? From beginning you were never mine.
Never will there be an “us”
Never what I have can matter.
Your presence in a crowded room
Though hardly together, in those moments I live.
We hardly ever talk,
Though hearing your voice, a rush beyond words.
Won’t ask you for anything,
Nor it’s something you can give,
You won’t take my heart and keep it so safe,
Nor take a peek and see how strong it beats for you.
Don’t know how you’d react, yet my life I put at stake
Please forgive me for this unforgiving mistake.
I think of you, I feel the coolness of a breeze,
I forget my worries; and time seems to freeze.
I see dreams, pain, sorrow and fear-
You come around, wipe away each tear
I tried all possible ways to get immunity
From this love, to be set free,
Prayed everyday,
And tried to forget “You and me”
But I should never have a mind of my own,
What good is it to moan?
I have made a promise to myself,
Never to love anyone the way I love you.
No other man can make me happy,
My life can smile only for you.
The fact remains- you can never be mine,
So excruciating that nothing else hurts.
Finally, I frame my love like a fine piece of art,
Can never be touched, can’t go into my heart.
Then I scream out loud, let the world know,
Call myself a fool to be in this unaccepted love!
Yet I don’t cry, but wonder what to do?
With a smile, I ask myself,
What more can I do to give up this heart?
posting is nice.
ReplyDeleteu really wrote it..or its from clipboard